Posts tagged learning
Four toxic attitudes to failure that stop us from succeeding

Our attitudes toward success and failure can be quite debilitating. Disney isn’t entirely to blame; we all perpetuate the idyllic fiction, that any outcome must be clearly etched in terms of success and result. We have a toxic view of failure because it’s the converse of success, and too often we consider the relationship in binary terms: win and loss, victory and defeat, yes and no. We either emerge on top or sink into the ceaseless void of anonymity and shame. But success and failure are muddy terms, and they reside at non-opposing points in a very open space of interpretation... 

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How we respond to authority, and what it means to business success

Our battle with authority starts when we’re born. It starts with our parents, our relatives and older siblings, and later extends to our teachers, bosses and government. How our early relationships develop inform those that follow – shattered bonds and broken paradigms create indelible senses of mistrust, whilst strong family units provide enduring armour against the world...

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Five Things to Remember in the New Year

It’s curious to think that the ticking of a number over to another could have such significance in our lives. The new year is a time for tempered reflection and cautious celebration. Each rolling over generates a milestone (of which we have few in our adult lives), automatically cataloguing human existence into neatly packaged 365-day periods. For many, it’s a moment for new beginnings and promises of change; last year was a bad year, but this year will be different... 

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